The NSW Australian Mukurtu Hub


The NSW Australian Mukurtu Hub is a collaboration between The Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation, Washington State University and the Jumbunna Institute of Indigenous Education and Research at The University of Technology Sydney 

The NSW Australian Mukurtu Hub was established with the main focus of working in partnership with NSW Aboriginal communities to support training in digital curation and archiving, while establishing community informed guidelines for returning and maintaining Indigenous collections locally and within collecting institutions.

The partnership between Aboriginal peoples, communities and local organisations and the Australian Hub also aims to drive a national agenda in research within digital curation of Indigenous archiving and stewardship and protocols for responsible dissemination and access of collections. 

The NSW Australian Mukurtu Hub will build on the success of the Mukurtu Hubs and Spoke Model in the USA and function as the central point of connection between the Mukurtu CMS development team at Washington State University and local communities of users across NSW. 

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Our Values

Our values focus on building a network of support for communities that nurtures relationships of respect and trust, working in partnership and responding to communities needs and aspirations.

We work following internationally recognised frameworks and protocols: