Mukurtu CMS is a free open source platform developed and maintained by the Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation at Washington State University. Mukurtu is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (or "GPL"), which means anyone is free to download it and share it with others. This open development model means that people are constantly working to make sure Mukurtu is a cutting-edge platform that supports the unique needs of Indigenous and First Nations libraries, archives and museums as they seek to preserve and share their digital heritage.
However, if you would like to install and run your own site, you will either need to contract a web hosting provider, or self-host a site.
While many web hosting providers can host a Mukurtu site, Reclaim Hosting offers easy installation and maintenance of Mukurtu sites at affordable rates. Reclaim Hosting worked with the Mukurtu CMS team to ensure the process is as convenient as possible for Mukurtu users, and we consider them a trusted vendor.
Mukurtu CMS is a Drupal-based software that requires a suitable server setup to run. If your IT department is not comfortable with the server requirements in the GitHub documentation, or you do not have a department that can run the necessary equipment, you may want to consider a hosted site.
The NSW Australian Mukurtu Hub can assist with this process. Wherever you are considering to get a hosted site from Reclaim Hosting or Download Mukurtu CMS in Github, we can assist you with with set-up, training and find the best solutions for your hosting needs.
Contact us to find out more.